Feeling homesick is normal. Whether you’re on a trip or whether you’ve moved to a different place, you’ll miss your home every now and then.

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In this post, we’ll be talking about 10 things that you can do to cushion the “blow of separation” a little and avoid feeling homesick.

Let’s start.

  1. Bring and Use Your Own Things

If you’re traveling, you can avoid feeling homesick by carrying your own belongings and using them instead of buying new ones or using the stuff in your hotels.

That way, you’ll be able to retain the feeling of “home” with yourself.

  1. Don’t Sit Idle

When you sit idle, you’re going to get hit with homesickness hard. With nothing to do, you’ll start thinking about your upstairs room at home and the cozy yard out back.

Instead of sitting idle, do something constructive. Get some work done or tidy the place up. Have a chat with a friend if you have nothing to do.

  1. Make and Follow a Similar Routine

Whether you’re on vacation or permanently shifted somewhere, make and follow a routine similar to the one you had at home. When you do the same stuff at the same times, it will do away with the alienated feeling of being somewhere new and different.

Source: Unsplash

Other than the change in scenery, there won’t be anything to remind you that you’re not at home. That way, you’ll be able to settle in easily.

  1. Eat the Same Food

If you made pancakes for breakfast back home, make pancakes for breakfast when you’re away. Having familiar-tasting and familiar-smelling food will also make you feel less “away” and “alienated”.

Plus, not experimenting with strange food is also a good piece of travel advice that you can adhere to in the interests of your own health.

  1. Talk to the Folks

Picking your phone up and giving your folks a call can also be a good way to combat the gnawing homesickness. Hearing familiar voices can be comforting, and doing it regularly can help you acclimatize to your new setting easily.

This is also one of the travel tips that we give to people who have boredom issues on long journeys.

  1. Chill and Relax

Worry and stress are going to catalyze the homesickness. To relax, you can try taking a rest or exploring the places on your travel sites.

Source: Unsplash

If you’re on vacation, you can get in touch with your travel agency and ask them about things you can do at your destination to pass the time.

  1. Take a Pet Along

This isn’t actually good advice if you’re going somewhere by plane or train etc. But if you’re going to travel in an RV or a camper, you can take a pet along to keep yourself grounded at home…mentally.

  1. Make Some New Friends

Keeping yourself lonely is only going to make things worse. Instead of isolating yourself, it’s a good idea to make some friends – even if you’re just traveling. You can talk to your fellow passengers to make the time go by. You’ll also feel less sad if you have someone to talk to.

  1. Don’t Use Your Phone

Strange advice, right? I mean, we did just mention “talking to the folks” at number 5.

If you use your phone to try and combat homesickness i.e., by wasting time playing games or by looking at pictures of your home, the feeling will temporarily fade but then come back stronger.

Source: Unsplash

You can try other stuff, like the eight tips we’ve mentioned above, if you want to pass the time.

  1. Talk About It

Talking about feeling homesick is also a good way to repel the feeling. You can, instead of beating around the bush, just tell your friends/family that you’re missing home. Once you get it out, the feeling won’t stay as bad.