What to Do On a Long Flight

What to Do On a Long Flight

  Embarking on a long flight can be boring and exhausting if you don’t know what to do in-flight to make you comfortable. Whether you are traveling on a 7-hour flight to Europe or you are in a 17-hour flight to any of the Asian countries, planning on how to...
Advice for Traveling as a Group

Advice for Traveling as a Group

Traveling solo is one thing, but traveling around with a group is something else altogether. There are a lot of things that you have to consider and a lot of things that you have to let go of in the interests of the whole group. Source: Unsplash If you want some...
Ways to Save on Food While Traveling

Ways to Save on Food While Traveling

When it comes to saving money while traveling, buying cheap plane tickets isn’t the only thing you have to do. You also have to be careful about how you spend on your food. Economizing your expenses during your journey can help you avoid money worries and financial...
Tips for Avoiding Boredom on Long Travel

Tips for Avoiding Boredom on Long Travel

Staring out the car window can last you for around the first hour of your trip, but then you’ll start getting bored. And getting bored on a long journey can be worse than getting bored at home since you can’t do things like going for a walk around the block or going...
What to do when you get sick while traveling?

What to do when you get sick while traveling?

Getting sick when you’re on a trip and away from home can be worrying, and a little more unpleasant than usual. You can’t take a nap on your favorite couch in your favorite blankie as you would at home, and you also can’t enjoy the comforting company of your family...
How to Sleep During Long Flights

How to Sleep During Long Flights

  Screaming children. Noise from video games and movies. Not enough legroom. Sunlight pouring into your face from the window at 30,000 feet. Air travel comes with lots of hassles and distractions, and sometimes can make you uncomfortable to sleep. If you find it...