Everything has its upsides and downsides, and the same applies to traveling in a van. If you’re looking to go on a trip in your camper, you should make yourself familiar with all the things you’ll be enjoying and all the troubles you’ll have to deal with.

15 Pros of Traveling in a Van

Let’s start off with the pros

  1. You get to enjoy a lot of space

Compared to a car or any other smaller vehicle, you can enjoy a lot of space in a van. You can stretch your legs and lie down when you feel like it.

  1. An excellent way to travel with pets

If you’ve tried traveling with pets in a normal sedan or even a bigger vehicle like an SUV, you’ll know how upset it makes you and your furry/feathery friend. In a van, your pet can have more space to move around and sleep, etc.

  1. …and a large family

Of course, going on vacation with a large family (with the wife and kids) can be a little stressful if you’re all cramped up together in a small car. In a van, things aren’t that difficult because of all the space.

  1. You can carry a lot of stuff with you

Carrying in a van means that you can carry a lot more than what your suitcases allow you. Vans have their own storages that you can use.

  1. You don’t have to spend on hotels, motels, and B & Bs

When you’re in a van, you can sleep right inside it without worrying about checking into hotels and motels.

  1. You don’t have to constantly pack and unpack

Traveling in a van doesn’t require you to empty your suitcases out every time you want to make a stop.

Source: Pexels

  1. You get to make your own food

If you’re fond of making your own food, you can keep the habit when visiting your travel sites in a van.

  1. It’s generally more cost-effective

When it comes to budget travel, going around in a van is probably one of the best ways to do it. You get to save a lot on food and accommodation. Instead of spending large amounts of money on plane tickets, you can complete your trips in a lot less if you’re going around in a van.

  1. You can go anywhere

With a van, you don’t have to worry about finding accommodation at your destination. Since you can spend the night in the van, you can go anywhere you like.

  1. Traveling in a van keeps you active

With all the chores you have to do, travelling in a van keeps you active.

  1. You can work easily

Popping your laptop open and getting some work done is easy in a van.

  1. Traveling in a van gives better opportunities for interaction

Compared to car trips and flights, van travel gives you more opportunities for bonding with your friends and family.

  1. Keeps you close to nature

Spending time in your van keeps you a lot closer to nature than staying in some hotel.

  1. Privacy

Compared to other forms of travel, there is a lot more privacy in a van.

  1. It can be mentally relaxing

When you start spending time with lesser belongings and lesser expenses, you can enjoy mental relaxation.

15 Cons of Traveling in a Van

  1. Safety issues

Traveling in a van comes with various security risks. Considering that you have to carry around a lot of belongings with you during van travel, you have to be careful about where you park. If you leave your van at some random spot, you could have your stuff nicked while you’re away.

  1. Parking is not that easy

Of course, parking a van is not as easy as a smaller car. You have to find larger spaces to park when you reach your destination, which can be a bit of a hassle.

  1. Increased rates than smaller vehicles

Large vehicles have to pay higher rates at the toll booths.

  1. Requires you to cut down on personal belongings

Although van travel is a good way to simulate everyday living, you can’t carry all the stuff that you usually use at home. You have to get your work done with fewer things.

  1. Things can get cluttered easily

The smaller the space, the easier it is to get cluttered. Keeping a van tidy can be quite a job, especially if you’re travelling with a family or a pet(s).

Source: Unsplash

  1. You have to be careful with the restroom

When you’re in a van, you can enjoy the luxury of not having to stop somewhere every time you need to use the restroom (if your camper has a built-in toilet). But this also brings with it some…implications. You have to be careful about keeping the place clean and emptying the black tank properly and regularly.

  1. Showering is not that easy

If you’re traveling in a van, it’s a bit of a foregone fact that you’re going to be spending some times at travel sites in the middle of nowhere. While the adventurous thrill is nice and all, you will face some trouble when it comes to taking the morning shower. Unless your van has a showering unit inside it (which is rare), you’ll have to make do with some makeshift means.

  1. Water has to be rationed

You can’t liberally use water in a van. Running the faucets freely is fine at home, but in a van, you need to be careful about how you spend the water.

  1. Involves a lot of driving

One of the main reasons that people opt for van travel is to lessen the number of stops they make along their trip. While that has its benefits, it also comes with the glaring downside of too much driving.

  1. Fuel costs

Bigger vehicles need more fuel. You’ll have to spend more on petrol when traveling in a van.

  1. The disturbances

Sleeping in a van can be a bit difficult with the disturbances of the roads going on around you.

  1. Maintenance

Vans have a lot of stuff in them, and taking care of all those can require time, effort and money.

  1. Weather conditions

If you’re spending a stormy night out in your van, you’ll have to deal with the buffets of the hard winds and loud pattering of rain on the roof.

Source: Unsplash

  1. Electricity usage

Just as is the case with water, you can’t be as liberal with electricity when you’re traveling in a van. You can charge your devices while you’re on the road. But when you stop for the night, you have to cut down on the battery-operated appliances to save your van from going dry.

  1. Wildlife

Camping out in the middle of nowhere has its thrill, sure. But, you’ll have to be careful about creepers and crawlers…as well as any other type of wildlife that may find its way to your van.